
07915 298983


[email protected]

Opening Hours

Mon 9am-6pm, Thu 9.30am-2.30pm, Fri 9.30am-2.30pm, Sat 9am-12pm

Dr Isabel has partnered with Oxona Health to provide private women’s health services.

Oxona is a private dermatology and women’s health clinic offering telephone, video and face to face consultations in Oxford, Burford and Chipping Norton. Oxona’s purpose is to provide tailored holistic care and advice in a supportive setting, empowering patients to make the right choices for them.

Dr Isabel works with the team of specialist Oxona clinicians who are all experienced primary care dermatology and/or women’s health doctors, all holding additional post-graduate qualifications in their areas of expertise.

With a wide range of specialisms and procedures, from coil fitting to HRT advice, and psoriasis care to mole removal, Oxona aims to offer the very best medical care in a safe, affordable manner.

For more information on services, pricing and locations please visit